Kardia-3 Green Hero Image


Shaping the future of hypertension research

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Introducing the KARDIA-3 study for people with high blood pressure that is not well controlled by current medications and who have a high cardiovascular risk.


Zilebesiran (pronounced zile-BEE-siran) is a type of medication called an RNAi therapy that is designed to reduce the amount of a protein called angiotensinogen (AGT). While AGT is a normal protein, it is thought to contribute to high blood pressure. Zilebesiran is an investigational medication that is thought to potentially lower AGT in the body and reduce blood pressure.

RNAi therapeutics

RNAi therapeutics are designed to reduce the production of specific proteins, like AGT, that may contribute to disease. In this way, RNAi therapeutics reduce the production of certain proteins, such as the AGT protein, that can cause or worsen certain diseases.

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Are you eligible for the KARDIA-3 study?

Take this short questionnaire to find out.

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Are you eligible for the KARDIA-3 study?

Take this short questionnaire to find out.

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Who can participate in KARDIA-3?

We're looking for people who:
18 or older icon

Are 18 years of age or older

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Are diagnosed with hypertension

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Are taking 2 to 4 medications for high blood pressure

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Are at increased risk for experiencing a cardiovascular event*

18 or older icon

Are 18 years of age or older

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Are diagnosed with hypertension

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Are taking 2 to 4 medications for high blood pressure

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Are at increased risk for experiencing a cardiovascular event*

*Cardiovascular events can include heart attacks, strokes, hospitalization for heart failure, and stents. If you're unsure, the study team will help you.

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Take this short questionnaire to see if you qualify!
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*Cardiovascular events can include heart attacks, strokes, hospitalization for heart failure, and stents. If you're unsure, the study team will help you.

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Take this short questionnaire to see if you qualify!
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Study timeline

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Screening period | Up to 45 days, 1 visit

During this period, there will be several assessments to help understand if the KARDIA-3 study is a good fit for you.

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Treatment period | 5 visits over 6 months

You will receive a dose of the study medication (zilebesiran or placebo) at your first study visit during this period. You will receive the study medication only once.

You will continue to take your current blood pressure medication(s) throughout the study.

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Follow-up period | 6 months, 1 phone call and 1 visit

This period includes a telephone call at Month 9 and a follow-up visit at Month 12.

If you qualify and choose to join the KARDIA-3 study, you will be randomly assigned to a study group in which you will receive either zilebesiran or placebo. The placebo looks like and is given in the same way as zilebesiran, but does not contain any medication.
Whether you receive zilebesiran or placebo will be determined randomly (by chance, like flipping a coin). At your first study visit in the treatment period, you will receive 1 dose of your assigned medication, administered through subcutaneous (under the skin) injection.
This study is double-blind, meaning neither you nor the study doctor will know which dose you received.
If you qualify and choose to join the KARDIA-3 study, you will be randomly assigned to a study group in which you will receive either zilebesiran or placebo. The placebo looks like and is given in the same way as zilebesiran, but does not contain any medication.
Whether you receive zilebesiran or placebo will be determined randomly (by chance, like flipping a coin). At your first study visit in the treatment period, you will receive 1 dose of your assigned medication, administered through subcutaneous (under the skin) injection.
This study is double-blind, meaning neither you nor the study doctor will know which dose you received.

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Take this questionnaire to find out if you're eligible to join the KARDIA-3 study.
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mobile in hand image
Take this questionnaire to find out if you're eligible to join the KARDIA-3 study.
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